How to overcome “Stage Fright”

How to overcome “Stage Fright”

Playing in front of an audience can be a nerve-wracking experience for many musicians, regardless of their level of skill or experience. Stage fright, also known as performance anxiety, can cause physical and psychological symptoms such as sweating, shaking, rapid heartbeat, and negative self-talk. However, with the right mindset and techniques, it is possible to overcome stage fright and give a successful performance. In this article, we will explore some strategies for overcoming stage fright based on research and expert advice from scholars in the field.

One effective method for overcoming stage fright is mental preparation. According to Dr. Noa Kageyama, a performance psychologist and Juilliard School faculty member, mental preparation can help musicians feel more confident and in control before a performance. This can include visualization, or mentally rehearsing the performance, as well as positive self-talk and relaxation techniques such as deep breathing and progressive muscle relaxation.

Another strategy is to focus on the music and the joy of playing, rather than on the audience or performance outcome. Dr. Aaron Williamon, Professor of Performance Science at the Royal College of Music in London, suggests that musicians can benefit from mindfulness practices such as meditation and body awareness exercises to help them stay present and focused on the music.

In addition to mental preparation and mindfulness, physical preparation is also important. Dr. Williamon recommends practicing in different performance settings, such as in front of friends or family, to get used to performing under pressure. This can help musicians build confidence and reduce anxiety when performing in front of larger audiences.

Furthermore, seeking support from others can also be helpful in overcoming stage fright. Dr. Kageyama suggests that musicians can benefit from talking to others who have experienced stage fright and seeking feedback and support from teachers, coaches, or mentors. This can help musicians feel more connected and less isolated, and provide them with valuable insights and strategies for overcoming performance anxiety.

Finally, it is important to remember that stage fright is a common and normal experience for many musicians, and it does not necessarily reflect one’s level of skill or talent. According to Dr. Williamon, recognizing and accepting one’s anxiety can help musicians approach performances with a more positive and realistic mindset.

In conclusion, overcoming stage fright is possible with the right mindset and techniques. Mental preparation, mindfulness, physical preparation, seeking support from others, and accepting one’s anxiety are all effective strategies for reducing performance anxiety and giving a successful performance. By incorporating these strategies into their practice and performance routine, musicians can learn to manage their stage fright and enjoy the experience of playing in front of an audience.

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