90% of adults express sentiment towards not having a chance at learning an instrument when they were young, 10% regretted giving up learning music in their youth, while no adult musicians ever regretted learning music.
It's never too late to start learning an instrument.
Keeping Your Brain Healthy
Learning an instrument as an adult keeps your brain youthful. It’s been known to stave off dementia by keeping you alert for longer, but long before dementia has the possibility of setting in, it keeps you sharper and improves your quality of life.
An Outlet of Stress
Now more than ever, you need an outlet for stress relief. When you’re a kid, the right school will give you plenty of time for catharsis and self-expression: creative writing, choir, the school play, etc. The need for that doesn’t just go away as an adult, however as an adult, it’s increasingly difficult to carve out time for these outlets. Music lessons are the perfect place to relieve stress and awaken that dormant ability to be artistic.
Build Community
Ever find that it’s tough making friends once you’re out of school? Learning to sing or play an instrument is a great way to meet like-minded people at any age. You can join a choir, start a band, or if nothing else, play a birthday song for your significant other or your best friend at their birthday party. It’s hard to think of something that brings people together more than music.
No Kids Music
If you’re signing up for lessons as an adult, chances are, you don’t want to eke your way through a music book with a magical mouse guiding you through the learning process. We only use music books designed for adults and help you work toward music you actually want to be singing or playing.
Pursuing Your Dream
You probably already have in mind something you hope to accomplish through lessons. If you want to start up you own YouTube channel or go busking in festive seasons, just let us know, and we promise, we won’t sign you up for that Mozart competition.
Flexible Lesson Time
Hundreds of thoughts are running through an adults’ mind simultaneously at any given moment. With all the different schedules planned out for weeks or months, we provide flexible lesson times for you to best find a slot in your fully packed timetable.
Professional Teachers
Whether you want to learn music as a hobby or make it your career, our teachers are working professionals who can guide you in the right direction. We can pair you with the perfect teacher who knows just the right part of the music scene you have an eye toward.
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